A responsible team
Secure the profitability of our members' production

The aim of the cooperative is to secure the profitability of our members’ production.
E. Leclerc Scapartois signed a historic agreement with the Orlait cooperatives in the Hauts-de-France which sets the remuneration of farmers at a fair price in relation to the cost of production, with a commitment to a minimum annual volume of 7 million litres of milk.
A great place to work
The QWL agreement signed with social partners in 2021 provides for, among other things:
- the prevention and reduction of the tediousness of certain task or workstations.
- end of career arrangements, customised remote work arrangements, taking into account the distance between home.

Solidarity with our regional ecosystem
Every year, we strive to prioritise the socio-economic activity of our beloved Hauts-De-France region by supporting the :
The Disadvantaged:
> through the « rounding up » scheme, donations will be given to the Nord-Pas-De-Calais branch of the Secours Populaire.
> Through the donation of 1500 bottles of milk to the Restos du coeur, la brique and the Carvin Food Bank.
Alongside 100 other corporate sponsors, Propérité Fermière Ingredia has been supporting the Louvre-Lens museum since 2015. With more than 50,000 visitors per year, the Louvre-Lens has generated € 20 millions in economic benefits for the region since its opening.
Transmit dairy adventure
It is a fascinating adventure that we want to share with as many people as possible to better inform them about the dairy industry and create vocation for dairy explorers!
- Supporting young farmers
- Strong support for apprenticeship training,
- A training course to introduce people to the dairy industry in house,
- Supporting our customers with our know-how.


38 points out of 40 for equal pay!
Gender Equality Index Women / Men 93 / 100
We have long been committed to gender equality and diversity, not only in terms of pay but also in terms to access to employment for women in areas of the industry where they have been under-represented until now, such as manufacturing and logistics.
This gender mix was made possible thanks to everyone’s solidarity and to specific arrangements which allow our female employees to access positions of responsability without having to choose between professional development and family fulfilment.
Help inclusion

In 2021, Prospérité Fermière Ingredia participed in DuoDay for the first time, which allows employers of all trades to open their doors to people with disabilities for a professional immersion paired with one of their employees. For the fourth consecutive year in our cooperative group, the rate of employment of workers with a recognized disability is higher than the national requirement (6%). In 2021, it was 6,15 %.
Security for everyone
400 audits! Measures and audits are in place to limit and control our accident rate. In 2021, we strengthened our drive of prevention and our approach to making work conditions safer and better.
The cybersecurity is a growing risk that we have decided to address by strengthening the security of our infrastucture and conducting awareness campaigns among our employees. The security requirements of our information have been reviewed to address the significant increase in hacking risk since the pandemic and the rise of remote working.