Act for the climate

17 Goals to Transform Our World!
Since 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals are a call for action by all countries – poor, rich and middle-income – to promote prosperity while protecting the planet.
In 2017, we have created our CSR charter named Via Lacta, it is a wonderful chain of commitments. We have monitored our participation in 11 of the 17 Sustainable Developement Goals set by UN member states.
Support our farmers
Since 2012, 415 CAP’2ER assessments have been carried out on 317 members of our cooperative, i.e almost 50 % of all our farms.
A series of low-carbon open days was organised in partnership with CRIEL (Interprofessional Regional Center for Dairy Industry). Farmers were able to share their experiences to understand the environmental impacts of a dairy farm and identify the technical options available to limit them.
Respect animals well-being

The welfare of our animals and biodiversity are essential to our business:
In partnership with Seenorest, the MSA, Vet’el, an association of veteinarians in the Hauts-De-France region, and the SNGTV, we offered training courses aimed at improving milk quality, cattle handling, calf welfare, and heat stress.
A goal is to deploy the tool BoViVell to 100 % of our members by the end of 2023 to assess nutrition, health, comfort and the relationship to people.
Our farms have an average of 60 dairy cows and our breeders follow the charter of good farming practices.
The specific “grass-based milk” specifications also provide for mulching of the barn in winter, a minimum of 170 days of grazing, a minimum grazing area of 1500 m² per cow.
Protect the biodiversity
Did you know? Our farms help maintain an average of 112 hectares of biodiversity per farm!
Promoting breed and pasture diversity: Prim’Holstein, normande, Montbéliarde, Rouges flamandes, Jersiaires, goats flourish in our green pastures in the Hauts-De-France, where our members are working on re-establishing hedgerows.
We are acting to protect the flora and the fauna of the Ternoise:
Re-stocking fish, for example, attracts new plant species, allowing better colonization of the banks, thus stabilizing them. The roots limit the risks of erosion and act as real filters for our soil and the Ternoise.
Preserving pollinators: Thanks to our partnership Bee City association, 3 hives are home to 180,000 worker bees residing at the entrance to industrial site!

Sustainable energies thanks to the energy mix

We are strengthening our commitment to energy transition with a passage 85% renewable energy, while participating in the modernization of industry in Hauts-de-France.
Green collection: 40% of the collection fleet runs on biofuel (B100). 70% of the tanks are fitted with electric pumps allowing a gain of 4 liters of diesel per 100 km.
Electricity from a hydropower plant in partnership with Alpiq: 15% of the electricity required for the proper functioning of our industrial site comes from a hydropower plant in order to reduce nuclear production.
A biomass boiler: more suited to the dynamic production of our factory. ENGIE Solutions supports us in increasing the share of local and renewable energy.
Nothing is lost, everything is processed
> The micro-methanation: this is a process that aims to reuse animal manure to produce green electricity.
> Over pressure tank: a system allowing significant water savings by recovering the water used from the pre-washing and rinsing system in the milking parlour to clean the milking platform.
> Casqu’Ethic collect our helmets, glasses, foam, etc… Their plastic will be shredded, turned into flakes, and reused for toys, clothes hangers, USB keys, etc…
> 564 T of tyres collecteds! through the association Ensivalor
> Partnership with TchaoMegot: ashtrays are now collected for decontamination and recycling of cigarette butts which become compost or insulation for buildings or textiles.
> The Ubicuity circular economy programme collects used pens and turns them into street furniture.
> Thanks to Elise, our head office and our factory are equipped with collectors thus encouraging selective sorting: cardboard – plastic – glass – aluminium, etc.